Commission Pricing

Pricing for Commissioned Work: Icons

St Maximilian Kolbe - Icon by Marek CzarneckiThere is no limit to the size or shape of an icon; this depends on its context or placement. Smaller icons are appropriate for home prayer corners, medium sizes for chapels or oratories, larger sizes for public veneration in churches. Please contact us with your ideas.

Prices vary according to complexity, subject matter and size. Design work, original compositions and research require additional costs. Please phone or write with specific ideas or concerns.

At the actual commencement of work, the client will be sent an invoice, at which time, a deposit of only one third the total amount is due. This deposit covers the expenses of preliminary work and materials, and is not refundable. Once the icon is finished, delivered and approved, the remaining payment of two thirds is due. Crating, packing, insurance and shipping are extra and will be billed separately.